Family Days
Manifesta 11 Family Days invites the entire family and friends to our guided tours and creative workshops, which will take place once a month at all three Manifesta venues (Helmhaus, Lowenbraukunst and the Pavillion of Reflections).
Our Family Day workshops will provide children with the opportunity to engage first-hand with different forms of art, whilst adults enjoy a free tour of the current exhibitions. In these workshops, children will discover the working-day life of their parents, how professional careers influence our character and our perception of our surroundings. In conjunction with the concept of What People Do For Money, the Manifesta 11 atelier at Lowenbraukunst offers two workshops surrounding the theme of Money, Dreams and Desires in cooperation with the City of Zurich’s Centre for Debt Prevention.
The Manifesta 11 Family Days will be help once a month on the following Sundays: 26th June, 10th of July, 14th of August and and the 11th September 2016.
All tours and workshops in the context of Manifesta 11 Family Days are free of extra charge (no tickets needed).
Programme at Löwenbräukunst
Limmatstrasse 270, 8005 Zurich
Body Language – Shadowboxing & Dog Grooming
Workshops for the whole family commence at 11:00
Meeting Point: Lowenbraukunst Manifesta 11, meeting point on the ground floor.
Do you fancy learning more about some of Zurich’s unusual professions? If so, this workshop is for you! During this workshop, we will draw inspiration from selected works of art in the exhibition spaces at Lowbraukunst; through mimicking movements, gestures and facial expressions, we will discover the different profession that are behind these works of art.
The world of adults through children’s eyes
Drop-in workshop + open tours // 12:00-15:00 // all age groups
Meeting Point: Lowenbraukunst Manifesta 11, meeting point at the ticketing booth
Money, Dreams and Desires
In Cooperation with the City of Zurich’s Centre for Debt Prevention
Meeting point: Lowenbraukunst, Exhibition Hall, Manifesta 11 Atelier on the 2nd Floor
Workshop 1 // 11:00-16:00 // all age groups //
What family activities are possible in Zurich that do not cost any money? What does it mean for a family to get by with very little money? In this workshop, families develop and discuss ideas on the subject of money and family life together with members of the Centre for Debt Prevention.
Workshop 2 // 14:00-15:30 // from the age of 4 //
In this workshop, individual family members visualise their dreams and desires through collages and drawings. This is followed by a discussion to try and find similar similarities and differences.
In the Manifesta Studio everyone is welcome to take a break from the exhibition.
Programme at Helmhaus
Limmatquai 31, 8001 Zurich
The world of adults through children’s eyes
Drop-in workshop + open tours // 11:00-14:00 // all age groups
Meeting Point: Helmhaus Manifesta 11, meeting point on the ground floor.
Programme at the Pavillon of Reflections
near Bellevue
Water Quest
Drop-in activity // 11:00-16:00 // all age groups
The Pavillion of Reflections is the starting point for an exciting scavenger hunt along Zurich’s many fountains to solve the mystery of the lost summer holidays presented at Helmhaus. You will receive instructions to complete the game on your own and get and change to discover different aspects of the entirety of Manifesta 11!
Fishing art, the art of fishing
Drop-in workshop // 11:00-16:00 // all age groups
The Manifesta 11 Family Days are generously supported by Engagement Migros, Initiating Partner of Manifesta 11. Furthermore, we thank Gaby Nahmani for her support.
18 362 people participated
in the Manifesta 11
Education programme
The Education and Mediation programme is generously
supported by Engagement Migros, Initiating Partner of Manifesta 11.